Thursday, October 18, 2012

Blog 2:Background

         The stories of El Chupacabra (which translate to “goat-sucker”) first surface in March of 1995 on the island of Puerto Rico located in the Caribbean Ocean. The stories began when the bodies of goats and other livestock started to appear drained of blood with two puncture holes around their neck. At first residents began to suspect that is was all part of satanic groups performing rituals, but as more stories began to surface around the entire island, the residents came to realize that it was more than satanic acts. Later that year in August, a magazine published the description of the creature made by an eyewitness named Madelyne Tolentin. According to Tolentin, the  creature is “ 4 to 5 feet tall with spikes down its back, long, thin arms and legs, and an alien like oblong head with red or black eyes”. Shortly after the description was published different sightings of the creature began to surface around in places such as Mexico, Latin America, and some parts of the United States. It is believed that this legend expanded to other countries around the world due to the introduction and the starting period of the Internet. Today, the sighting of the creature keep occurring all across the world, but the description of El Chupacrabra has changed. According to recent eyewitness, El Chupacabra is “a hairless, snarly-looking four-legged creature”. The legend of El Chupacabra is told in many ways but its origin and background should be the most important story told and passed down from generation to generation.

Carey, Bjorn. "El Chupacabra Mystery Definitively Solved, Expert Claims." Fox News. FOX News Network, 23 Mar. 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.<>.
"El Chupacabra." - A Mysterious Creature.Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.
 Source of Image:
"ElChupacabra."Cryptids".Web.18 Oct. 2012 <>

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